
  • This will require kube-vip starting as a daemonset as it will need to read existing data (secrets) from inside the cluster.
  • A Wireguard server that will act as the merging network point for a number of external kubernetes clusters exposed services.
  • Distinct network ranges for each cluster (an overlap of a range will break one cluster's configuration)

On each cluster a secret is created that contains the private key and the address of the wireguard server whilst the Wireguard server itself the clusters public key and network range is will be configured accordingly.

                                         │                      │
                                         │       Cluster B      │
                                         │                      │
                │      Wireguard     │
                │       Server       │
                │      │
│                     │
│     Cluster A       │
│                     │

A /30 or /29 is recommended for the network range, this can then match the configuration in the cloud-controller or services can be created with fixed addresses.

The below command will generate a configuration for a single cluster:

The NETWORKRANGE needs to be different for each cluster


This latter part of this command will auto-generate the required credentials and configure the server (the command has to be run on the server), it will then print the secret to be created on the cluster itself.

PRIKEY=$(wg genkey)
PUBKEY=$(echo $PRIKEY | wg pubkey)
PEERKEY=$(sudo wg show wg0 public-key)
sudo wg set wg0 peer $PUBKEY allowed-ips $NETWORKRANGE
echo "kubectl create -n kube-system secret generic wireguard --from-literal=privateKey=$PRIKEY --from-literal=peerPublicKey=$PEERKEY --from-literal=peerEndpoint=$SERVERIP"