
The installation for kube-vip is largely similar to most other Kubernetes distributions, however we need to account for some of the unique architectures within Openshift.

Creating a project in your OpenShift cluster

We can create a project utilising the oc command:

oc new-project kubevip

(This will now also move the context to this project)

oc apply -f

We will also need to apply the manifests for the cloud provider and create the manifest for the kube-vip deamonset (either using ARP or BGP).

Once done we can confirm our pods are up and running:

oc get pods -A | grep kube-vip
kube-system   kube-vip-ds-rf4r5   1/1     Running     0              3m3s
kube-system   kube-vip-ds-zhckf   1/1     Running     0              3m3s

oc logs -n kube-system   kube-vip-ds-zhckf

time="2024-05-14T15:00:41Z" level=info msg="Starting [xxxx]"
time="2024-05-14T15:00:41Z" level=debug msg="Build [xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]"
time="2024-05-14T15:00:41Z" level=info msg="namespace [kube-system], Mode: [ARP], Features(s): Control Plane:[false], Services:[true]"
time="2024-05-14T15:00:41Z" level=info msg="No interface is specified for VIP in config, auto-detecting default Interface"

Creating a Security Context Constraints for kube-vip

The requirements for the SCC are as follows:

    securityContext:        -------------------------------->>>> Mention all the capabilities you want to assign to the pod 
        - NET_ADMIN
        - NET_RAW

Additionally either hostnetwork or hostnetwork-v2 will be required so that we can access the underlying adapters.