Troubleshooting ARP

The "average" failover time that is observed with kube-vip is around ~3 seconds, however this can wildly depend on the underlying infrastructure such as virtual and physical switches blocking or limiting kube-vip from updating the network. The most simple test that can be performed to begin working out how your infrastructure is performing is the following:

NOTE: If you have set kube-vip to watch a specific namespace then you will need to ensure that this deployment also deploys there by adding -n <namespace>

Deploy a simple nginx application:

kubectl apply -f

Create a loadbalancer service:

kubectl expose deployment nginx-deployment --port=80 --type=LoadBalancer --name=nginx

Get the service address:

kubectl get svc nginx
NAME    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
nginx   LoadBalancer   80:32372/TCP   10m

Set the IP address to a variable for the below tests (change the address for your purposes):

export IP=

We can now test against our service address!

The below snippet will create a visual representation of availability of the application, as pods are deleted a dot will be printed every second to show unavailability

while true; do curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail --connect-timeout 0.1 $IP; if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then   echo -n ".";   DOWN=true; else   if [ $DOWN = true ]; then   echo "";   DOWN=false;   fi; fi; sleep 1; done

Additionally we can test access to the VIP with the ping command, this will demonstrate the IP address either being no longer available or being re-assigned to a new host.

ping -D $IP

With this simple monitoring in progress we can watch how long the both kubernetes and kube-vip typically take to reconcile!

Delete a backend pod:

kubectl delete pod $(kubectl get pods | grep nginx-deployment | awk '{ print $1 }')

Doing this a few times should result in something like the following:
