
kube-vip was originally created to provide a HA solution for the Kubernetes control plane, but over time it has evolved to incorporate that same functionality for Kubernetes Services of type LoadBalancer. Some of the features include:

  • VIP addresses can be IPv4, IPv6, or DNS name
  • Control plane load balancing:
    • Floating IP in ARP (Layer 2) or BGP (Layer 3) modes
    • Uses leader election
    • Support for kubeadm-provisioned clusters (via static Pods)
    • Support for K3s and others (via DaemonSets)
    • IPVS mode for true load balancing (kube-vip ≥ 0.4)
    • Dynamic DNS support
  • Service of type LoadBalancer:
    • Uses leader election for ARP (Layer 2)
    • Multiple nodes with BGP
    • Address pools scoped per Namespace or cluster
    • Addresses from CIDR blocks or IP ranges
    • DHCP support
    • Exposure to gateways via UPnP
  • Automated manifest generation, vendor API integrations, and much more...